Information of technogy of UBB

Logo UBB

Size of Logo
The proportion of the Logo’s width and length is 1.36 cm.
Meaning of the Logo
The sapphire color bat represents a good nature and almighty to protect, defend, and construct the eternal land of Battambang.
The dish on a pedestal decor of the lotus petal style represents the prosperity of cultural art and tradition of Battambang.
The bunches of yellow light and surrounded abacus represent the education of the University of Battambang, acting as a bridge to bring students to brightness.
Encircled rice clusters in Golden color represent the Battambang’s agricultural harvests, especially, rice.
Rom Doul flower (Melodorum Fruticosum Lour), the floral symbol of the Kingdom of Cambodia, represents brighten charming views of the land of Battambang, which is abundant with the attractive plants.
The golden machinery represents the development of the industrial sector, especially agro-industry.The white color stripe around the circle represents the God of land who governs the Battambang boundary.

Outside dark-red color represents the potentiality of fertile soil for developing the agricultural sector in Battambang.
Inside bright-green color represents the beauty of land, nature, and environment of Battambang.

On the top side, the sharp top of Angkor Crown represents the Khmer national identification.

President's Welcome

Welcome to University of Battambang (UBB)!
UBB, the youngest public university in Cambodia under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, is ideally located in the historical and beautiful city of Battambang, a vibrant place to live, learn, work and to explore.
UBB’s goal is to educate the leaders of tomorrow in a wide range of fields through a balance of theory and practice, and the integration of real world experiences into their academic education as well as to prepare them for a lifetime of learning. Our young and energetic faculty and staff are eager to help students achieve their future careers and to be ready for a lifetime of learning. To achieve our goal, UBB will continue to benefit from, and contribute to, a highly productive relationship with the local community, government and non-governmental organizations, industrial companies, and consortium universities in the region and world.
On behalf of the entire UBB community, I welcome you to our websites and university. After you have visited our campus, plan to visit us in person and join us.

Dr. Touch Visalsok


UBB encourages its students to excel. Students are expected to explore and think critically about issues rather than simply repeat learned information. To do well, students will need to consult different sources and evaluate them from a critical perspective. UBB will assist students to gain employment with its well established curricula and its reputation as a leader in higher education. As well as preparing for a rewarding career, studying at the University of Battambang will help students to analyze, understand and contribute to society, and to offer qualified human resources to the community.

-Royal University of Battambang was founded in1965 and inaugurated on October 31, 1968,
under the presidency of King Norodom Sihanuk
-1975-1979: Pol Pot committees
-1979-1990: military training centre
-1993-1994: Handicap and UNTAC operations base
-1994-1998: teacher training centre
-1998-2007: National University of Management
-2007 University of Battambang (UBB) was established by Anukret 26, March 21, 2007
-October 01, 2008: Opening of University of Battambang (UBB)


University of Battambang is an international standard university in Cambodia.


UBB’s goal is to educate the leaders of tomorrow in a wide range of fields through a balance of
theory and practice, and the integration of real world experiences into the academic education.


1. To educate and train students in science, technology, arts, culture and languages at all levels
in accordance with the needs of the country, especially in north-western part of Cambodia.
2. To conduct research on social and technological issues, develop appropriate solutions, and disseminate the findings to communities.
3. To contribute towards the national development by collaborating with local authorities, government and
non - governmental organizations, and consortium universities in the world.

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